Laurie, the Fearless Leader of the Crochet Liberation Front, issued a
challenge for all of us crochet bloggers to list 25 reasons why we love crochet.
So here goes.....
In no particular order
1) I love how meditative crochet is.
2) I love how I can make things that are both beautiful and practical at the same time.
3) I love how it allows me to give gifts to my friends and family that are interwoven with love.
4) I love how it gives me something useful to do when I am watching TV or waiting somewhere.
5) I love how it allowed me to give comfort to my ailing mother-in-law during her last months of life even though I wasn't right there.
6) I love how it allows me to make things for myself that actually fit.
7) I love how it allows me to feel connected to my mother-in-law and my great-grandmother despite the fact that they are gone.
8) I love how it has given me the opportunity to connect with people I would not otherwise have met.
9) I love how excited my mother got over the scarf I made her for Christmas.
10)I love how there are so many different crochet techniques that it will take me years to get to them all.
11)I love how crochet can be as simple or as intricate as you want it to be.
12)I love how it gives me one more thing in common with my friends who are also fiber lovers.
13)I love fondling all the lovely yarn and imagining what it could be turned into.
14)I love dreaming of all the sorts of things I can make.
15)I love turning those dreams into actual objects.
16)I love how I can try aiming to get one place and end up somewhere else entirely when designing.
17)I love watching things take shape in my hands.
18)I love how I can improvise something at the spur of the moment if I need to.
19)I love how my interest in crochet has resulted in my learning about the broader craft/handmade/diy culture that exists.
20)I love how it has allowed me to see options for how to live my life that I was unaware of before.
21)I love how connecting to other crafty people through crochet has given me the courage to put myself out there more, and in ways I would never have dared to in the past.
22)I love how it has helped me cope with all of the difficult times surrounding my mother-in-laws passing.
23)I love how it gives me a way to explore my creative/crafty side.
24)I love how versatile crochet is, it has something for everyone.
25)I love how it will give me something I can share with my niece and nephew as they get older.
Whew! That's quite a list.
What are your favorite things about crochet?